If you use intel related product you may go to the url below for driver update.
The scrip on the page will detect your intel drivers and show you the available update.
MixMiester should inform their software users of the Sound and Audio Device Properties that it hyjacks causing the input of the turntable/tape deck to not create a file and causes the computer speaker to not function. My original installation of the software (4.0) two years ago caused this and it took lots of searching to figure out what happened. Recently an error in EZ Vinyl exporting into iTunes (error message) forced me to update the Ez Vinyl software. The new version does not update the old version like one would expect. It installs a new program on your computer. While installing version 7.4 the same thing happened like two years ago causing the speakers to not function. It took me about an hour of troubleshooting the issue to remember the previous event from version 4.0. I had to go into the Sounds and Devices Properties and reset the Audio Sound Playback "Default device" to the prior setting. EZ Vinyl is trying to point to the output of the turntable causing the system to create No Sound and to not record anything in the EZ Vinyl environment. This should be shared with everyone using the EZ Vinyl software. I have seen many comments on the Internet were other people are having this issue and nobody responds to help them. Must be a well kept secret! --- Thanks, JKG, Clearview, WA
Comments (4)
The scrip on the page will detect your intel drivers and show you the available update.
Victor Obah